
Comprehensive Eye Exams

Everyone needs a comprehensive eye exam at least once per year. Our ophthalmologist in New York is happy to provide you and your loved ones in New York, NY with a truly comprehensive eye exam that sets the stage for the best possible eye health in the months and years ahead. Our comprehensive eye exam assesses visual acuity and tests for common eye diseases. Our ophthalmologist also gauges how eyes work in unison, evaluating the health of retinal blood vessels, the optic nerve and the retina. Our comprehensive eye exams identify existing problems and problems in early development, creating the opportunity for proactive intervention that addresses these issues before they worsen.

Comprehensive eye exams are available for both adults, teens, tweens and children. Contrary to popular opinion, children can greatly benefit from comprehensive eye exams. The bottom line is kids do not understand what “normal” vision is as their experience is limited. It is quite possible your little one is in the early stages of an eye problem yet he or she might not know it until a comprehensive eye exam is performed. Keep in mind, optimal vision is necessary for the learning process and success in athletics as well as social activities.

If you or your loved one have not had a comprehensive eye exam in the past year, now is the time to make your appointment. In particular, those who have reached the age of 40 or older are that much more likely to suffer eye problems. Plenty of adults who reach this age find it difficult to read as a result of presbyopia, which makes it challenging to read small print on books, labels, CPU screens and other printed materials. Opt for a yearly eye exam at our office and we will determine if you have presbyopia or other eye health problems. Our exams include glaucoma tests, pupil dilations for optic nerve analysis, a retinoscopy for eyeglass prescriptions, a cover test for binocular vision issues, visual field tests for blind spots/peripheral vision problems and plenty more.

Your exam may include the following procedures:

  • Slit-lamp examination

  • Dilated eye exam

  • Refraction for glasses & contact lenses

Glaucoma Treatment

You might be in the early stages of glaucoma and not even know it. If you have not had your eyes tested in the past year, reach out to us at (212) 472-1020 to schedule an appointment. If we determine you are pre-glaucomic or have glaucoma, we will provide you with eyedrop medicine. These eyedrops are used on a daily basis to reduce eye pressure. Certain eyedrops decrease the level of aqueous fluid created by the eye while others decrease ocular pressure by facilitating the flow of fluid through the drainage angle. With the proper treatment, you can live a fulfilling life in spite of the fact that you have glaucoma. Our ophthalmologist, Louis Sobel MD, is here to help you understand how to best treat your glaucoma and retain your vision across posterity.

If necessary, laser surgery will be performed to treat your glaucoma. This surgery facilitates aqueous drain from your eyes, relieving pressure and preserving your eyesight for the years ahead. The surgery known as trabeculoplasty is also available for those who suffer from open-angle glaucoma. The eye surgeon performs this procedure with a laser to improve drainage so fluid flows out properly and eye pressure is decreased.

Another surgical option for glaucoma sufferers is iridotomy. Ideal for angle-closure glaucoma patients, this procedure relies on a laser to generate a diminutive hole within the iris to improve fluid flow. Furthermore, we will explain what you can do on your own to mitigate the impact of glaucoma and slow its progression. From increasing physical activity to performing eye exercises, taking medications and beyond, there are several ways you can minimize the impact and progression of glaucoma on your own.

Dry Eye Treatment

If you suffer from chronic dry eye, do not suffer in silence. Reach out to us today and our ophthalmologist, Louis Sobel MD, will determine if you can benefit from certain medications and procedures. It is possible an external factor or an underlying condition is causing dry eye. In some cases, altering medications has the potential to minimize or eliminate dry eye. Over-the-counter eye drops are quite helpful in treating dry eye. Some patients benefit from ointments that coat the eyes in a way that eye drops do not. In certain cases, prescription medications are the best way to treat dry eye.

Visit our office and we will determine if an oral medication or medicated eye drops are optimal for your dry eye. These medications typically reduce eyelid inflammation, helping the oil glands can transmit oil to tears so they do not evaporate. In fact, some antibiotics catalyze oil production within the glands around the eyes. Certain cases of dry eye result from inflammation. If this is the cause of your dry eye, you might benefit from anti-inflammatory antibiotics. If over-the-counter tear replacement drops do not eliminate your dry eye, we will explore the option of eye inserts, which are clear and small medicated tubes that are placed on the eyes similar to contact lenses. Procedures that close the tear ducts or clear the blocked oil glands are a last resort.

Punctal Plugs

Punctal plugs, sometimes referred to as lacrimal plugs, are small devices designed to treat dry eye syndrome. Also referred to as chronic dry eyes, dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes do not generate sufficient quality tears to maintain optimal eye lubrication. Dry eye symptoms include blurry vision, scratchy eyes and burning eyes. If your eyes remain dry, you will generate that many more tears that are primarily water and do not sufficiently moisten your eyes. The result is a generation of more tears than the eyes can retain, causing overflow. If you suspect or know you have dry eye syndrome, reach out to us at (212) 472-1020 to learn more about whether punctal plugs will help.

Punctal plugs, lifestyle changes and artificial tears used in unison just might completely eliminate your dry eye syndrome. Punctal plugs will be used if other solutions do not make the intended impact. These plugs are strategically placed within the tear duct opening in the eye’s corner as this is the spot where tears typically drain through the back portion of the nose and into the throat. The plugs generate a blockade so the tears do not flow outward, ultimately keeping your eyes properly lubricated. Our ophthalmologist is here to help you decide on the type of punctal plugs that are best for your eyes. Some punctal plugs are made of silicone that will last for years while others, known as temporary punctal plugs, consist of collagen and dissolve after a couple months.

Contact Lens Fittings & Training

Our Ophthalmologist in New York provides contact lenses that improve your vision, eye health and comfort. We have all the latest contact lens brands for you to choose from. Our contact lens fitting details exactly how to apply contacts to your eyes without causing discomfort or wasting your limited time. We will guide you through all the subtle details of the contact lens insertion process so you can place contacts on your eyes in full confidence without subjecting your eyes to any unnecessary particles ranging from dirt to dust, allergens or other grime.

We will also ensure the contact lenses you receive are the proper curvature and size so they fit your unique eyes just right. Keep in mind, no two eyes or contact lenses are exactly the same. Some patients prefer daily disposable contact lenses while others are partial to bi-weekly disposable lenses or monthly disposable lenses. Some of our patients are partial to traditional yearly lenses while other prefer spherical contact lenses, color contact lenses or even rigid/hard lenses that are gas permeable. Schedule an appointment at our office today by dialing (212) 472-1020 and we will help you determine which contact lenses are ideal for your unique eyes, preferences and budget.